The Glen Waverley Rovers Junior Football Club is committed to best practice in the management of concussion in sport, where the critical element is the welfare of the player, both in the short and long term. Following the introduction of the new concussion management guidelines for the 2017 AFL season, the AFL medical Officers Association has produced guidelines for community football. The guidelines are for trainers, first aid providers, coaches, umpires, club officials and parents and should be understood and followed by all parties for the benefit and welfare of the players. The following policy applies to all players, officials, parents and guardians of Glen Waverley Rovers Junior Football Club.
Training/Game Day:
Any player who is suspected of having a concussion must be immediately removed from the ground. This falls to the decision of the trainer.
All players with concussion or suspected concussion need an urgent medical assessment (with a registered medical doctor, who has experience with sports related concussion). This assessment can be provided by a medical doctor at a local general practice, concussion clinic or hospital emergency department. They will give the final medical decision.
Trainers should not be swayed by the opinions of coaches, players or others suggesting a premature return to play. Coaches must, in accordance with the AFL Coaches Code of Conduct, not put undue pressure on trainers or players to make such decisions.
Trainers to notify the team coach, team manager, manager of trainers, plus the footy department of suspected concussion.
Trainers to email to parents the Care Monkey report for them to take to the doctor’s appointment.
Returning to Training and Play:
A compulsory week off football is required at Glen Waverley Rovers Junior Football Club once a suspected concussion has been diagnosed by the medical practitioner. This includes training and the following weeks game.
Players must return to training and play in a graduated fashion as outlined below, and the rehabilitation must be supervised by a medical practitioner.
Players need to be symptom free during that return to play. If they develop symptoms at any stage then they should stop their return to play for 24 hours (or longer if symptoms persist).
Graduated return to play suggestion:
1. Rest until symptoms recover (physical and mental rest).
2. Light aerobic activity- walking, swimming, stationary cycling can be commenced 24-48 hours after symptoms have recovered.
3. Light non-contact training drills (running, ball work).
4. Progress to more training drills-light resistance training.
5. Full contact training (must have medical clearance).
6. return to sport.
All medical clearances must be provided on official letterhead of Medical Centre, with a specified date of return to training and play. This clearance certificate is to be provided to your child’s teams trainer and team manager for clearance to train and play the next week.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the AFL 2017 The Management of Concussion in Australian Football document.
Policy Review
Authorised by: Paul Van Suylen
Position: President
Date: July 2019